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Burned Out and Dissatisfied?
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.789 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-09 , DOI: 10.1086/721772
Tuan D. Nguyen 1 , Kristen P. Kremer 1

The current annual teacher attrition rate is about 16%. This loss of teachers results in reduced student achievement and increased financial costs to school districts. Using repeated cross-sectional nationally representative data, we identify the relationship between teacher dissatisfaction and burnout with attrition and whether certain teachers are at risk for dissatisfaction and burnout. We consistently find dissatisfaction and burnout are higher among teachers in secondary school; teaching a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subject; with more experience; and in low-income schools. Teacher dissatisfaction and burnout are highly associated with teacher intention to leave teaching and their actual attrition behavior. We discuss implications of our findings for policy and practice.



目前每年的教师流失率约为 16%。教师的流失导致学生成绩下降并增加了学区的财务成本。使用重复的具有全国代表性的横断面数据,我们确定了教师不满意与减员倦怠之间的关系,以及某些教师是否存在不满意和倦怠的风险。我们始终发现中学教师的不满和倦怠程度较高;教授科学、技术、工程和数学科目;有更多经验;在低收入学校。教师的不满和倦怠与教师离职意向及其实际减员行为高度相关。我们讨论了我们的发现对政策和实践的影响。