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RNA-Polymer Hybrids via Direct and Site-Selective Acylation with the ATRP Initiator and Photoinduced Polymerization
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-26 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c03757
Jaepil Jeong 1, 2 , Xiaolei Hu 1 , Hironobu Murata 1 , Grzegorz Szczepaniak 1, 3 , Marta Rachwalak 1, 2 , Anna Kietrys 1, 2 , Subha R Das 1, 2 , Krzysztof Matyjaszewski 1

Combining synthetic polymers with RNA paves the way for creating RNA-based materials with non-canonical functions. We have developed an acylation reagent that allows for direct incorporation of the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) initiator into both short synthetic oligoribonucleotides and natural biomass RNA extracted from torula yeast. The acylation was performed in a quantitative yield. The resulting initiator-functionalized RNAs were used for grafting polymer chains from the RNA by photoinduced ATRP, resulting in RNA-polymer hybrids with narrow molecular weight distributions. The RNA initiator was used for the polymerization of oligo(ethylene oxide) methyl ether methacrylate, poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate, and N-isopropylacrylamide monomers, resulting in RNA bottlebrushes, hydrogels, and stimuli-responsive materials. This approach, readily applicable to both post-synthetic and nature-derived RNA, can be used to engineer the properties of a variety of RNA-based macromolecular hybrids and assemblies providing access to a wide variety of RNA-polymer hybrids.


通过 ATRP 引发剂直接和位点选择性酰化和光诱导聚合形成 RNA 聚合物杂化物

将合成聚合物与 RNA 相结合,为创建具有非典型功能的基于 RNA 的材料铺平了道路。我们开发了一种酰化试剂,可以将原子转移自由基聚合 (ATRP) 引发剂直接掺入短合成寡核糖核苷酸和从圆酵母中提取的天然生物质 RNA 中。酰化以定量产率进行。所得引发剂功能化的RNA用于通过光诱导ATRP从RNA接枝聚合物链,从而产生具有窄分子量分布的RNA-聚合物杂化物。RNA引发剂用于低聚(环氧乙烷)甲醚甲基丙烯酸酯、聚(乙二醇)二甲基丙烯酸酯和N的聚合。-异丙基丙烯酰胺单体,可产生 RNA 洗瓶刷、水凝胶和刺激响应材料。这种方法很容易适用于合成后和天然来源的 RNA,可用于设计各种基于 RNA 的大分子杂合体和组装体的特性,从而提供多种 RNA-聚合物杂合体。