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Default Nudge and Street Lightning Conservation: Towards a Policy Proposal for the Current Energy Crisis
Journal of the Knowledge Economy ( IF 1.815 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s13132-023-01458-8
Giorgos Meramveliotakis , Manolis Manioudis

To meet the ongoing energy crisis, the European Union has developed a toolbox to address the supply and demand side of energy resilience. Regarding the latter, policy instruments and actions aim exclusively at households and businesses’ energy consumption (i.e. indoor lighting), leaving aside any consideration for outdoor lighting, especially municipal street lighting which critically accounts for overall energy consumption. Thus, we propose that street lighting conservation should be regarded as an additional to the existing demand-side policy goal. Furthermore, building on the current empirical evidence and conceptual support of the effectiveness of nudges to economise on electricity consumption, we suggest that a default nudge in the form of “automatic enrolment” in a scheme of a scheduled rotate street lightning power interruptions, with an opt-out choice, could be regarded as an additional policy instrument capable of mitigating even further the effects of the energy crisis.



