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Preparation and application of polyacrylonitrile electrospun nanofiber-based all-solid-state composite electrolyte for lithium metal battery
Polymer ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.126275
Bushra Sarmad , Lu Gao , Weimin Kang

The demand for lithium-ion batteries that are both safe and high-energy is growing. Liquid electrolytes are used in traditional lithium rechargeable batteries, which pose security hazards such as volatilization, flammability, and explosion. Most of the safety problems associated with liquid electrolytes could be addressed by solid-state electrolytes. This research firstly incorporated Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12 (LLZTO) ceramic nanoparticle filler into electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) to obtain a composite nanofiber membrane, and then added it to polyethylene oxide (PEO) polymer as a nano-polymer filler to create an all-solid-state electrolyte. By incorporating the PAN/LLZTO composite nanofiber membrane, the resulting electrolyte gains a sturdy framework that enhances its overall mechanical strength (7.8 MPa) to prevent the growth of lithium dendrites during cycling. In addition, the addition of LLZTO particles can help promote chain segment motion in a PEO matrix by increasing the ratios of amorphous to crystalline phase, which is beneficial for the rapid migration of lithium ions in the electrolyte membrane. At the same time, the interaction between LLZTO and DMF solvent can also generate an alkaline atmosphere and then promotes the cyclization of PAN, thus enhancing the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte (6.5 × 10−5 cm1 at 30 °C). The Li/Li symmetric battery assembled with the PEO-PAN/LLZTO composite electrolyte can stable cycling for 800 h at different current densities, and the Li/LiFePO4 battery can still maintain a high Coulomb efficiency of 99.7% after even 400 cycles under 1C. The research will lead to a promising electrolyte candidate for all-solid-state lithium metal batteries.



对既安全又高能的锂离子电池的需求不断增长。传统锂充电电池采用液态电解质,存在挥发、易燃、爆炸等安全隐患。与液体电解质相关的大多数安全问题可以通过固态电解质来解决。本研究首先纳入了Li 6 4 La 3 Zr 1 4 Ta 0 将6 O 12 (LLZTO)陶瓷纳米颗粒填料注入电纺聚丙烯腈(PAN)中得到复合纳米纤维膜,然后将其添加到聚环氧乙烷中(PEO)聚合物作为纳米聚合物填料来创建全固态电解质。通过采用 PAN/LLZTO 复合纳米纤维膜,所得电解质获得了坚固的框架,增强了其整体机械强度(7.8 MPa),以防止循环过程中锂枝晶的生长。此外,LLZTO颗粒的添加可以通过增加非晶相与结晶相的比例来促进PEO基体中的链段运动,这有利于锂离子在电解质膜中的快速迁移。同时,LLZTO与DMF溶剂的相互作用也可以产生碱性气氛,进而促进PAN的环化,从而增强电解质的离子电导率(6.5 × 10 -5 C-130°C)。采用PEO-PAN/LLZTO复合电解质组装的Li/Li对称电池可在不同电流密度下稳定循环800 h,且Li/LiFePO 4 电池在1C下循环400次后仍能保持99.7%的高库伦效率。该研究将为全固态锂金属电池带来一种有前景的候选电解质。
