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Universal Approach to Critical Percolation
arXiv - PHYS - Statistical Mechanics Pub Date : 2023-08-31 , DOI: arxiv-2308.16757
Fabian Coupette, Tanja Schilling

Percolation problems appear in a large variety of different contexts ranging from the design of composite materials to vaccination strategies on community networks. The key observable for many applications is the percolation threshold. Unlike the universal critical exponents, the percolation threshold depends explicitly on the specific system properties. As a consequence, theoretical approaches to the percolation threshold are rare and generally tailored to the specific application. Yet, any percolating cluster forms a discrete network the emergence of which can be cast as a graph problem and analyzed using branching processes. We propose a general mapping of any kind of percolation problem onto a branching process which provides rigorous lower bounds of the percolation threshold. These bounds progressively tighten as we incorporate more information into the theory. We showcase our approach for different continuum problems finding accurate predictions with almost no effort. Our approach is based on first principles and does not require fitting parameters. As such it offers an important theoretical reference in a field that is dominated by simulation studies and heuristic fit functions.


