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Natural floating biosystem for alcohol-induced diseases
Matter ( IF 18.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.03.016
Shiyuan Hua , Shiqi Liu , Lihui Zhou , Liyi Wang , Chaoyi Liu , Huanan Wang , Xiaoyuan Chen , Tizhong Shan , Min Zhou

Drug delivery systems based on natural carriers have recently gained considerable interest. However, rapid gastric emptying makes it difficult for drugs to remain in the stomach, and the complex modification or loading processes limit their advantages. Inspired by algal bloom characteristics, we designed a microalgae-based natural floating biosystem as a gastric drug delivery system for the treatment of alcohol-induced diseases. With the buoyancy of Spirulina platensis and the adhesion of bismuth pectin, the resveratrol can float in simulated gastric fluid for longer retention and be released rapidly upon contact with alcohol. In both mouse and piglet models, most of the floating biosystem can be retained in the stomach and effectively alleviate the inflammatory damage caused by alcohol with minimal toxicity. This biosystem can be quickly prepared by a simple mixing approach, which does not affect the bioactivity of microalgae, is suitable for large-scale production, and has potential for clinical practice.



